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Web Design Tutorials: Impressive Trends Made Easy


Are you constantly looking for ways to sharpen your website design skills?

One advantages of creating a website on Wix is that it includes design features that will amp up your website – like an image-based grid layout, various scrolling effects, and next-generation parallax. Here’s what’s revolutionary about these features, though: despite being extremely sophisticated, they won’t require you to write a single line of code.

Thanks to the intuitive and advanced capabilities of the Wix Editor, all that’s required to execute these results is just a bit of well-invested time, no matter your current level of website creation experience.

So, ready to achieve greatness and learn how to design a website? Have a look at our favorite web design tutorials, or visit Wix Learn for other site building and design tutorials. These also work as great inspiration if you're considering a website update.

How to create a fullscreen lightbox with hover effects

Let’s first break down each of these two elements. A lightbox is an interactive message that pops up on your website to grab a user’s attention and prompt them to fill out a form or take any other specific action. The second element is hover effects, which are subtle website animation attached to an element that is visible when a user grazes their mouse over it. Now, imagine a lightbox the size of a full screen, containing these wicked animations. Can you say strong user engagement? Most certainly.

This design tutorial video will walk you through how to easily apply this impressive element to your website.

How to create a multi-layered parallax website

When you hear that there’s a 3D version of something, do you immediately gravitate towards it, or is that just us? This illusion of depth has become a major web design trend, known as parallax scrolling, due to how engaging it is. Essentially, parallax scrolling means that when your visitors scroll down your page, the background and the strips in the foreground move at different paces, creating a striking illusion of depth. And when you use more than just two layers, this concept is taken to another level. You can try to put on multiple pairs of 3D glasses at once, but nothing will compare to the result of this design.

Watch this tutorial to feast your eyes on something arguably equivalent to magic.

How to create an image-based grid layout

If you find yourself needing an image-based website, like an online portfolio, then tune into this magnificent layout: grids. It operates as a clean backbone for the arrangement of your pages. When design a website layout, grids create order and alignment among your different elements through the use of invisible, intersecting horizontal and vertical lines.

In this video tutorial, you will learn how to create a grid solely focused on images with a photo gallery. Through the Wix Editor, you can do this in minutes, then finish it off with some hover effects for some visual pizzaz. Finally, link each of those images to other pages of your site so that the grid can operate as a revolutionary site menu in itself. Click the “Play” button to get started.

How to create a strip-based website with scroll effects

Strips create a home for every piece of content, while also giving order to potential clutter. So if you happen to already be on-trend with the modern and minimalistic one-page website design, using this feature will make sure users don’t get lost in navigation while deep scrolling. Plus, it can certainly impress a crowd when you add in different scrolling effects to each strip – like, parallax, reveal, and zoom-in. This would work for a website redesign too.

This video tutorial not only walks you through how to add strips to your website with those subtle animations, but also multiple other design effects: video strips, an autoplay video box, a full-width slideshow, and other text-related animation effects. Ready to go nuts with design features? Let’s get started!

How to create a column-based site with scroll effects

No matter the purpose of your website, keeping a user around is most likely part of your game plan, and strips are great at achieving this goal. Here, we took the exact same concept as the video above and flipped it to the vertical dimension – in other words, broke up each of these strips into columns. The point of this is to perfectly align the elements of your website and allow the additional effects to look nothing short of stunning. These effects include parallax scrolling and a creative use of images, patterns, and text. As a user scrolls, your website will gradually reveal more depth, layers, and animations. For an overall addictive scrolling experience, press the “Play” button.

By Jennifer Kaplan

Community Writer


This Blog was created with Wix Blog

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